During the SCECR 2020 Conference -

“As an applied economist, I think that we need to carefully investigate the economic impact of Machine Intelligence on Business.”


Jin Sik Kim (김진식; 金塡植)



Assistant Professor in Data Analytics

The Gary W. Rollins College of Business, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga,

August 2021 - Current

email: jinsik-kim@utc.edu


Ph.D. in Management (Focus: Information Systems)

The Paul Merage School of Business, The University of California, Irvine, July 2021

Advisor: Vijay Gurbaxani

Advisor: Vibhanshu (Vibs) Abhishek

MA in Economics,

Maxwell School of Economics, Syracuse University: December 2013

MPIA, International Management, IRSP

The University of California, San Diego: June 2010

BA (Double Major) & MS, Information Systems & Journalism,

Yonsei University: February 2006


Artificial Intelligence + Machine Learning + Economics of Information Systems + IS Business Value

Published paper

Kim, J. S., Yeo, J. S., & Jain, H., 2024. “An Economic Framework for Creating AI-Augmented Solutions Across Countries Over Time” Information Systems Frontiers, 1-28. [Download]


Kim, J. S., Lee, J. H., Shin, S.I., & Sneha, S. “Does the Sequential Matter? Analyzing the EMR Adoption Patterns and Hospital Performance: Data-Driven Research” Under-Review (ABDC: A)

Shin, S. I., Kim, J. S., Lee, J.H., Lee, O.K., & Lee, K.Y. “Trade-offs between Benefits and Concerns in Using Generative AI Applications: From a Behavioral Bias Perspective” Under-Review (ABDC: A*)

Deodhar, S., Aghakani, N., Kim, J. S., Jain, H. “Impact of Status-Performance Discrepancy on Online Engagement” Under-Review (ABDC: A*)

The New Yorker Cover Art: “Tech Support,” by Kikuo Johnson. 10/23/2017

The New Yorker Cover Art: “Tech Support,” by Kikuo Johnson. 10/23/2017

Forthcoming Submissions

Kim, J. S., Abhishek, V., & Gurbaxani, V., “Demand Prediction using Big Data: Human-in-the-Loop Approach.” Will be Submitted to a Journal (ABCD A*) within 2024.

Kim, J. S., Ho, Y.J., & Gurbaxani, V., “Revisiting Price Dispersion in Electronic Markets: Implication of Market Structure, and Seller & Product Heterogeneity.” Will be Submitted to a Journal (ABCD A*) within 2024.

Shin, S.I., Kim, J. S., Lee, J.H., Lee, K.Y., & Lee, O.K., “Awareness of Artificial Intelligence Ethics and Adoption of Artificial Intelligence.” Will be Submitted to a Journal (ABCD A) within 2024


Research in-progress

Lee, J.H., Kim, J. S., & Shin S. I., “Sequential Adoption and Co-Adoption of Package Technologies” Working-paper.

Shin S.I., Kim, J. S., Kim, J.B., Lee, O.K. & Yun, H.J., “What Do you Feel about an AI Singer Created by Generative AI?” Working-paper.

Shin S.I., Kim, J. S., Negash, S., & Saeed, K., “Does an Organization’s Performance Matter in Adopting Blockchain Technology?” Working-paper.

Peer-reviewed Conference Papers

Teaching Interests

Possible Courses:


Machine Learning / AI

To be successful data scientists, students must study and understand ML/AI theory, application, programming, and interpretation. It is particularly important to understand when and under what circumstances which ML/ AI algorithms should be applied.


Digital Economy

Digital economics focuses largely on the economics of digital goods. Topics include increasing returns to scale, network effects, spillovers, informational economies of scale, versioning, bundling, and so on,


Intro. to Information Systems

The main purpose of this course is to understand the main components of information system (over-view of technologies, database systems, Internet and networking, blockchain, cloud computing, cybersecurity, AI/ML) and their impact on businesses and society.